Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mister rabbit says, "A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers."

Well Mr. Rabbit please for the love of God tell me what is happening in this movie? This was the second time watching this film and i'll be honest I do not care for this movie, I remember last semester we talked about this film in movie censorship class for pretty much a whole class period and how controversial it was and how edgy and thought provoking... and then I watched it and was like um that's it? Rather then write an essay about how bad this movie is i'm going to try the list format, so shall we begin?

Why I Do Not Like NBK:
1. The 90s liked to do this thing where they threw 50 images at you at once mixed with cartoons, old tv footage, nature images, etc. Maybe people thought this was really intense and awesome, i found it to make the movie look like garabage and headache provoking. It was very similar to alot of shall we say "reality" shows on MTV right now (they are obviously scripted, cheesed up, and meant to appeal to people with short memory spans)

2. The media is bad! Ah holy crap the media is horrible ... but guess what we keep using it and relying on it, and a lot of it use it as a bible for their own lives. Man we better stop the media before it controls everything oh wait 6 major corportations basically own everything in our nation's economy too late. Also these people are praising Mickey and Mallory for mass killing 50 fifty people ... I'm pretty sure no praised the Virgina Tech guy for what he did so this film is kinda off on that note, although I will say there was an odd support by college kids for Bucky when he escaped. I think sometimes people like to see that criminals can beat the police system in our country thanks to the general distaste for police. Regardless media sucks yeah we know, no ones gonna do much about it.

3. Random cartoons? What was with that? Is it because both characters have childhood issues? Maybe... or maybe graphic cartoons were really in at the time (Aeon Flux for example). This helps to prove this movie is exactly what is tries to make fun of, it's a pop culture movie filled with whatever people in the 1990s liked with ridiculous characters.

4. The characters are ridiculous! Can you say over the top? Holy Canoly! Mickey is super cool he talks like a poet and tells jokes and he loves his wife... oh and he rapes women, kills people and makes very little sense. 

5. Mallory is even better she likes to talk about Angels, hit on men then beat the crap out of them, has father issues so she goes a little nuts pretty much every scene and proceeds to yell "you stupid bitch" about 50 times, oh and randomly dances likes shes trippin on some hallucinogenic. 

6. Dwayne is Australian. He likes to show this by pushing his accent way way over the top. He like the past two characters is bi-polar or at least is strung out on speed cause that dude is all over the place. He yells at convicted criminals who have killed 50 people and then later on shoots at cops then tries to join the Mickey and Mallory bandwagon. That makes sense since he hunts down and loathes criminals... wait no it doesn't.

7. Scafetti ... is a psycho killer too! Wow even the cops are getting in on the fun of mass and brutual killings, this movies is a great depiction of American life. Him and the rest of the cops also enjoy in eating alot of doughnuts cause thats what cops love (hello stereotype).

8. My absolute favorite thing I hate about this movie... the Music! I don't know if that was Oliver's chosing or what but man is it horrible. I personally hate the low voiced singer at the beginning it reminded me of pulp fiction which also came out that year and the song where Uma Thurman dances around and does coke, it creeps me out and sounds like crap and i disliked both songs. As for the rest of the music the only song I kinda liked was the Rage Against the Machine song towards the end which that even seemed out of place and not that loud or epic. But alas it was the 90s so pretty much all the movies had to have Heavy Intense Rock music right? dumb.

9. The writing. I think if anyone picked up this script today and read it there would be no way they would ever make this movie, the dialogue sucks! It's just a mix of some deep stoner thoughts mixed with pop culture and swear words aka crap. 

10. What is the point of this film? Can someone tell me please? That killing people is ok if your crazy? You can get away with murder in the US, or at least be idolized for it? Everyone in our society is messed up? Stay away from Indians and rattlesnakes?

I did like a couple things in this film though, the green lighting is very rarely used in films that are not horror pictures and helped to emphasize the trippyness of a snake bite. I also like the green neon lights in the jail which were unnessicary but looked neat none the less. The I Love Lucy mock segment was awesome it is so horrible and disturbing I feel like they should have just made that part into a whole movie. The laughtracks are awesome, which I have commented on in other previous posts, they can help to mess up the viewer's prespective on a situation. The horrible part about that scene is that Rodney Dangerfield is a comedian and the mom was from Ferris Bueller both of whom we are use to laughing and add the laughing people you almost wanna laugh but then your like wait no this girl is getting molested and thus you feel really bad. Any movie that messes with your emotions is pretty good in my book, if the whole rest of the movie didn't totally miss I would have praised it for it shockingness.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lincoln's Beard this Movie was Confusing!

Manchurian Candidate... yeah, not feeling it, and the worst part was that I went in with such high hopes and just instantly became confused! I feel like I shouldn't have know that the Mom would end up manipulating him prior to watching the movie so then I wouldn't have over analyzed the scenes with him and his mother, which were annoying. I absolutely loathed the main character pretty much the whole movie, he was supposed to be this mean cold hearted general... but he overdid the part way way too much at the beginning, I felt like ever other line of dialogue was either "I can't believe I said something nice about the General!" or else it was "I keep having these nightmares!" So with such witty dialogue as that it just seemed like this movie was going nowhere, for a very long time. Then oh hey it's frank sinatra ... doing his thing, and I was like wait what I thought this story was about the first guy so now I have no idea who the candidate is and who was running for office. I didn't really understand that the stepfather was running for vice president, they made it seem more like he was running for senator. I also completely missed the whole deal about his stepdad accusing all these people of being communists, what did that have to do with anything? I mean these guys are brainwashed to kill high political figures so why would the new leader who apparently hates communists help the communists?

So then the movie suddenly decides oh hey let's just go off on a huge side story about the main dude and his ex-girlfriend and how he got along great with the communists and his mom hated it...alright. Then we find out the Queen of Hearts through solitaire controls the guy, and let the over use of the Queen of Hearts begin, holy crap they were literally beating us with that giant card costume, i just wanted to yell "Yeah we get it, what's he gonna do lets finish this jeez!" It wasn't until the very e
nd of the film that the action picked up and stuff actually made sense which I guess was kind of the point that there was a lot of my
stery to this picture but I found it to be too much in the dark til the end, regardless the ending was fast-paced and awesome. I honestly didn't see it coming and thought it was a really cool way to end the film.

My favorite character was the girlfriend of the main character because she seemed to be the only normal person in the whole picture, everyone else was drastically over the top, and I also liked her because she was stunningly attractive. I also enjoyed the stepdad vice-president because that dud
e would be all crazy on the broadcasting and in front of the public and then would go and party his butt off in an abraham lincoln costume. Holy crap that guy loved Lincoln, I mean Abraham was in pretty much every scene of this movie, I could not for the life of me figure out why? Is Lincoln the most patriotic and anti-communist figure in our past? I'd probably say no, if anything he's mor
e of a communist then other presidents in that he helped in making all men equal under the law in America which is kind of communist in a very vague way. In relation to that costume party I liked how each costume worn related to the character's future endeavors...stepdad is Lincoln because he plans on being future president but then is shot... the main character guy is a cowboy (hilarious costume btw) and he shoots people later on... the girlfriend is the queen of heart because she marries and is in love and the card stands for death in this film which she ends up dying
 due to the card ...I can't quite remember what the mom was wearing but I feel like it was a greek goddess like get up which would make sense because she plans to become the future Goddess of America (First lady).

This movie did answer the age old question though that has always bothered me . . . exactly how low could Abraham Lincoln limbo if he was alive today (and if he had thrown a few back before).

Jarvis is a horrible name...

So my thoughts on Touch of Evil... not so great, thus why I never was motivated until now to write up my response to the film. This movie kind of hurt me cause I was really pumped to watch a classic film noir peice and I got over an hour and a half of a fat guy walking around, people yelling JARVIS! A super obvious and boring storyline, and Latino music galore. Why was Jarvis so cold to his wife? I mean who leaves their wife to walk around by herself after a carbombing, and then leave her alone at a creepy motel in the middle of the desert, and everytime he sees her barely kiss her. Worst husband ever, it must be because he's such a dedicated cop ... like I haven't seen this story a thousand times good cop tries to take down corrupt cop, sure back then this was probably a newly formed movie idea but it's been played so much since then it's lost its excitement.

Here's another big question what was up with the hooker lady the fat cop going to see? Is that like the only person he lo
ves? Did he use to be skinny? What is their past, it was very lightly touched upon and she was super odd looking and unaffectionate to him until he dies at the end and she walks away alone ... but wasn't she alone before the fat cop showed up? I didn't get it.

Not to say this film totally sucked, the film work was freaking amazing! That whole opening shot was ridiculous, it was set-up and followed in the perfect manner and I don't think I've ever been so nervous during a black and white film ever before it was my favorite part of the whole movie and made me pumped to watch the rest. I mean we all saw the bomb planted and didn't really have enough time to see who it was who put the bomb in, the
refore allowing us to be in the dark 
on the murder, and then we have to watch the uncontrollable scene unfold, simply genius, it almost reminded me of a Wes Anderson like shot. Wells does alot with the lighting and crazy mexican music especially during the big murder scene towards the end of the film where the fat cop frames Jarvis's wife and kills the mexican boss guy. The craziness of all the images and the amount of darkness really helped in sealing the deal of the overall feel of the movie. I also enjoyed when Jarvis beat the crap out of ALL those guys in the bar, all of them, you bad ass Jarvis.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why Clint Eastwood is the Devil

Well it's been awhile, but yes ladies and gentlemen I am back and ready to throw my opinion in your faces, this week I'll be exposing the truth of Mr. Eastwood in that he is in fact the Lord of Darkness. Or at least he comes off as Satan in the movie "High plains Drifter," whether he is in real life is still open to discussion but more on that in another blog. High Plains Drifter, what an awesome movie, I sincerely loved the hell out of this movie, why you ask? Simple it's almost 2 hours of Clint walking around messing up this town and doing what ever the hell he wants. Oh you want a beer bam its yours, you want to have sex with a lady hey go for it, you want to make this little dude the mayor and the sheriff by all means. How does this walking devil get away with all these evils? Well he killed three guys when he showed up, so the town figures he'll protect them from outsiders if they let him do whatever he wants. Which as it turns out in the end, he peaces out when the bad guys show up comes back and kills them but manages to blow up a building, set another one on fire, paint all the town houses red and make the place seem like a living hell. bravo. And if that wasn't enough heres the twist is Eastwood's character alive? Perhaps he was the twin brother of the dead sheriff, or maybe the sheriff wasn't completely dead when they buried him. Or the later theory which I really like is that Clint Eastwood was sent from Hell to avenge his own death and make the town pay for not helping him therefore making him the Devil.

What confuses me about that theory though is why he does help some people out for instance the native american family in the store, or the little dude who gets pushed around alot. It was touched on in class and I can definitely see the point that the only reason he was nice to these people was to further piss off the town, and in sense he had no beef with the Natives. As far as the tiny dude yeah there wasn't much he could do to help him when Eastwood was being whipped to death and then later on he ends up marking the grave so that could kind of save him from the wrath of hell.

The rape scene was pretty intense, and it came so suddenly I was just like wait wait what? I mean the girl gives him the eyes and does the whole im a rude brat who does what she wants routine which I've seen way too often, especially on My Super Sweet 16. You see girls like that your like man one day someones gonna knock you on your ass, and in this movie Eastwood does that...and then takes it further by dragging her through town into the barn...and then rapes her. Which she kind of gets into (yikes), and later on in the movie he does the same thing to another woman who tries to stab him with scissors, but in that scene hes much more psychological and the girl gets all heated up caz he plays this whole im sweet and i know it routine. I'm sure feminists would love this movie...NOT. I mean every woman character is being violated and seems to kind of like it, and everyone in the town is just lettin it happen and some of them are actually smiling when they see it. Thats what disturbed me about the rape scene not so much the camera aimed up at Eastwood dominating the audience or the graphic showing of the actual deed, but the whole follow up after it. I mean the husband tells his wife to stop freaking out and let the rape go, Seriously? That's horrible. It just makes us hate the town more and side with the evil ways of Clint.

I'd also like to touch on the fact Eastwood has the best one liners in this movie it really completes his whole character of mystery and I like how alot of the story is open to question and nothing is ever fully explained. If Eastwood comes to Fredonia you can bet ur bottom dollar i'll give him whatever he wants.